The Department of Labor and Employment-Region 10 (DOLE-10), through its Lanao del Norte (LDN) Provincial Field Office (PFO) held a Government Internship Program (GIP) orientation on 15 July 2015 to its seven trainees of the Lone District of Lanao del Norte at the DOLE-10 LDNPFO, second floor of the B &B Building, Mahayahay Highway, Iligan City.
DOLE-10 Regional Director Raymundo G. Agravante underscores the GIP of the Department that provides an internship opportunity for college graduates/ undergraduates especially those who want to pursue a career in the government or in the field of labor and employment.
Eligible applicants are college graduates or must have completed at least two years of college studies or its equivalent. Furthermore, applicants must not have been formally employed or availed the same program with other government agencies. They should also be between the ages of 18-25 years old and hold degrees in discipline or those considered relevant to the Department’s functions like economics, law, labor and industrial relations, political science, the social sciences and journalism, management, accounting, public administration and psychology.
Topics discussed were Labor Market Information and Employment Coaching.
The oriented trainees were then assigned to the different government offices within Iligan City.
Director Agravante motivated the trainees, “We hope that DOLE has given you, fresh graduates, opportunities to pursue careers in the government. Your three months’ work in your respective offices may have equipped you with the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities in the world of work. It is our optimism that we, in the Department have served our purpose as your work role models.”
DOLE-10 LDN PFO Head, Remegio CabaƱog further encouraged, “We believe that you are the future of our nation, and I hope some of you would become future public servants that have strong integrity.”
One of the trainees, Nancy DemontaƱo said, “The GIP of the DOLE is a big help to us, especially in equipping us with work experiences for future job application and promotion. And icing on the cake is we also get to enjoy and receive an allowance equivalent to 75% of the prevailing minimum wage in the region.” (Joseph Nathan Fabrega/PIA NorMindanao) - From
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